Lots of changes happened during past month,and now both applications have plugins for Inbox,so you can also see smiles (and in case of En2FaMail,you Persian text + smilies) in you inbox too!
Hope you enjoyed this program so far!
Here i attached my updated Pictures of these programs.
hi Rooxbeh. im using your smileySMS v.1.53 but im having trouble saving my messages. Afer installing your program and having new messages saved in my inbox, after a soft reset i cant see my messages anymore. Is there a work around for this? Please email me at limbyron@gmail.com. By the way im using a hp6965 wm5 pocketpc phone.
it is common problem to all wm5 devices.
i mean even doing so without my program being installed will cause the same problem
Salam Agha Roozbeh
Avalan bebakhshid Pengloish minevisam...Midoonam asan Khoshet nemiad...vali Zabanam oonghada Ghavi nist ke betoonam English benvisam vasat...Plz ta Akharesh Bekhoon faghat...
Vaghean Khoshhalam ke mibinam ye Irani tooneste ye chenin Barnameye Jaleb va Karbordi benivise...Man ke Vaghean ba barnamat hal kardam...mano az nasb 3-4 ta barname Bi niaz kard...kheyli vaghte azash Estefade mikonam...az V1.11 gerefte t in V 1.53 Barnameye Topie...Ama 1 chand ta nokte didam Khastam bet begam...
1.Agar tike ghesmate Show Smiley SMS bubble notification ro bardaram(Nemikham SMS ham ke miad Dar ja neshooneshoon bede be Dalile masaele Amniati:D) ye etefaghe Ajib miofte...Dige SMS ke miad Sound Notificationi ke entekhab kardim be seda dar nemiad...va mire Zange Sms khode Windows ro ejra mikone...:(
2.vaghty ke ye Sound Notification va3 SMS entekhab mikonam...SMS ke oomad Zang mikhore vali Badesh ye sedayi[mese sedaye Hava...ye kheshe] az boland goo Dar miad...va ta vaghty ke SMS ro nakhoondam In seda edame dare...[Albate seda zaife...ama fek mikonam Battery khore miare:D]...
Vali dar kol barnamat Kheyli Alie...
Mamnoon ham az barnameye khoobet...ham az Amoozeshat to weblog.
rasti Khoshhal misham bat dar ertebat basham...Man Daneshjooye narm Afzaram..Alagheye ziadi ham be barname nevisi Baraye Mobile (Hala che PPC che Symbian) daram...harchi gashtam Emaili azat peyda nakardam [Bejoz roozbehID@yahoo.com ke nemitoonam ke nemidoonam azash estefade mikoni ya na] Ama ID man h.tajali@yahoo.com...khoshhal misham Khabare barname ha jadideto bem bedi...va Version haye jadide Hamin barnamero...Bebakhshid mozahem shodam...Bye
i have to request from a good programmer
1- i want to do same thinng for converting persian word to English so i neead a ENtoFA programm but not in PC platform.do you have any suggestion(algoritm)
2- can i brow your finglish Word Database? (4 some security test) ;)
thanks a lot
Dear Roozbeh!
Very Usefull Program! When we can send Unicode SMS with smiley sms?
Could you do me a favor and check the Unicode Problem? When I send a Persian SMS (Unicode Chars) Your app just send a message with (?) Char. Please check it and tell us how to send Unicode SMS... Thanks
why you dont create a web base version for using in various website. you can earn a lot of mony with adv. on such app.
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