Friday, August 29, 2008

What does DTM_BROWSERDISPATCH gives you?

Well,as some documentations state it gives you IBrowser,IBrowser2,IBrowser3 interfaces.
Remember they are different from IWebBrowser and IWebBrowser2 interfaces.
But where are the definitions of these interfaces?
Well actually from win ce 4.2,there are no such interfaces found in your SDK.So you have to use older SDKs found in for example PocketPC 2000/2002,and copy/paste them into your header file.
Unfortunately Microsoft also uses another interface to negotiate with HTML Document viewer,which there is no documentation for it.Interace GUID is {698e3fcb-70c3-11d0-81e8-00a0c90ad20a} but so far i haven't find any documentation for it.

But why do i need all these?
The problem is with Images.With use of DTM_SETIMAGE you can only give HTML Viewer a handle to your bitmap.The problem is i want to display it as transparent bitmap and so far i haven't find any way.
And tracing DTM_SETIMAGE,it gives these information to that undocumented interface.So i still don't know how can i use HTML Viewer with transparent images.


Anonymous said...


Thanks to your information I was able to use the IBrowser intreface.

Unknown said...

من از کاربران قدیم PT هستم . شما اون موقع یک رام برای A200 درست کردی .

من یک رام چینی WM6.1Build_19400برای A200 پیدا کردم . میشه لطف کنی و یک راهی برای لاتین کردنش بگی یا اگه میشه خودت زحمتش رو بکشی ؟؟

باور کن کارم گیره وگر نه پیغام نمی دادم .